HostPress GO!

WordPress hosting
that sets new standards

Ready to experience WordPress hosting in a whole new way?
Get a 50% discount on the launch on December 13
of HostPress GO! - save €294 in the first year!

wordee Rabatt
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WordPress in record time - GO!

Start, click and get creative after 2 minutes

New website?
One click is enough!

It couldn’t be easier: just one click and your WordPress website is ready to go. A working domain is created automatically and an SSL certificate is already included – everything is set up so you can get started straight away.

New website? One click is all it takes!

It couldn’t be easier: one click is all it takes and your WordPress website is ready to go. A working domain is created automatically and an SSL certificate …

Import existing WordPress pages

With our importer, moving your WordPress site is child’s play. All you need is FTP access to your existing website …

AI site builder: Automated texts and designs

Our AI site builder makes creating new WordPress websites easier than ever before. In just a few minutes, the AI generates complete websites – including …

Oskar Bukowski
Managing Director, SEIEINEIDEE – a brand of lift brands up GmbH

„This will definitely be a
for many users!”

Creating new instances: I am thrilled with how smoothly and seamlessly the creation of new instances works, including AI support!


Dashboard design: At first glance, your new dashboard is much smoother and clearer. The UI/UX really is a dream for anyone who wants to get to their destination quickly without having to search for a long time.


Loading speed insights: Thanks to the integrated insights, there’s no need to take a detour via tools such as PageSpeed Insights – a real, time-saving added value.


Staging function: We have always missed this “simple and uncomplicated” function. With HostPress GO! it is now really easy and convenient to create a new staging environment.

WordPress made easy
with AI

Improve your WordPress workflow with AI

Endless possibilities,
bundled in one world

Start your first website with ease

A collaborative environment

Creating a WordPress website is hardly a one-man job, so word•ee makes it easy to share access with customised permissions for each instance. This straightforward yet robust configuration is suitable for the needs of small clients and large agencies alike.

Developer Toolkit

Provide a reliable and intuitive space for users to manage and customise WordPress instances, either for personal or client-based needs. Ensure quick access to a separate staging environment and simplified controls for seamless updates and configurations.

Intuitive administration

Gain full control over your clients, their websites and infrastructure by using our easy-to-navigate administration area. Focus on your current priorities without getting caught up in work overload.

Are you ready to dive into new spheres
of WordPress?

Get started with HostPress today and experience your
WordPress in a whole new way

wordee Rabatt
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