Successful partnership between WP Media and HostPress

Article graphic Successful partnership between WP Media and HostPress
by Johanna
16. July 2024

A success story since 2016

Torino, Italy — June 2024

WP Media, the French company behind the renowned WordPress plugin „WP Rocket“, and the German managed WordPress hosting company „HostPress“ are celebrating a long and successful partnership. Since 2016, both companies have been working hand in hand to offer customers the best and easiest performance optimisation solution for WordPress.

With more than 4 million active websites, WP Rocket is considered one of the leading performance optimisation plugins for WordPress and has made a name for itself through its excellent results and ease of use. Thanks to its close cooperation with HostPress, Germany’s largest reseller is able to offer WP Rocket licences at no extra charge within its hosting tariffs.

Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier, Co-Founder and CEO of WP Media, and Marcus Krämer, Founder and CEO of HostPress, recently met in person at WordCamp Europe in Torino, Italy. At this meeting, they reaffirmed their partnership and summarised their common goals in a video interview. Both emphasised the importance of working together as equals in order to continue to offer customers the best performance and user experience.

Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier commented on the partnership:

"Our collaboration with HostPress is a prime example of successful international cooperation. Thanks to our joint expertise, we can offer our customers optimal solutions and make their websites even faster and more efficient."

Marcus Krämer added:

"WP Rocket is an indispensable tool for our customers. By integrating it into our hosting tariffs, we offer invaluable added value. We look forward to many more years of successful collaboration."

The partnership between WP Media and HostPress shows how great results can be achieved through international co-operation. Both companies are determined to continue to develop innovative solutions and maintain the high standard of their services.

Interview: Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier and Marcus Krämer

About WP Media

WP Media is a French company specialising in the development of WordPress plugins. Their best-known product, WP Rocket, is a leading caching plugin that makes websites faster and improves the user experience.


About HostPress

HostPress is a German managed WordPress hosting company characterised by excellent customer service and customised hosting solutions. HostPress offers its customers a powerful and secure hosting environment for WordPress websites.



Contact Information:

WP Media

Jean-Baptiste Marchand-Arvier, CEO



Marcus Krämer, CEO

Phone: +49 6881 9999 777

Johanna ist Texter und Content Marketing Managerin. Sie hat eine Vorliebe für Social Media und setzt auf klare Kommunikations-Strategien. Bei HostPress kümmert sie sich um Newsletter- und Bloginhalte, um zielgruppengerechte Inhalte und die Markenbekanntheit zu fördern. Durch ihre Arbeit im Webhosting Bereich liegt ihre Stärke darin, komplexe Themen verständlich und authentisch auf den Punkt zu bringen.
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